
What A Fellow!

Wrestler, governor and IOP fellow Jesse Ventura shows off his feminine side at Hasty Pudding show

Ma said Ventura’s atypical appearance was a step towards “inaugurating a new tradition” of cameos by well-known people. The play’s authors, Michael C. Mitnick ’06 and Kiernan P. Schmitt ’06, worked with HPT’s executive board to script Ventura’s “one-liners,” Ma said.

During his first week at Harvard, Ventura mentioned his desire to be in the Hasty Pudding show, Burden H. Walker ’06 said.

Aiming to please, Walker, who works with both the IOP and the HPT, said he contacted the Pudding and the idea was met with enthusiasm.

But Ventura laid out one condition.

“He said he would have to wear a dress with a large bust size,” Walker said.


“He was referring to the time he told Playboy ‘If I were reincarnated, I would be reincarnated as a double-D bra,’” Walker said.

Fifty members of the IOP filled the theater’s seats last night. The group that cheered on the famed fellow included students, staff and IOP fellow Gary Flowers.

While years in wrestling and politics accustomed Ventura to applause and fanfare, the audience’s very enthusiastic reception caught him off-guard.

“The show was great fun, but I got such an ovation I forgot the line,” Ventura jokingly lamented. “I put my heart and soul into the show.”

Members of the IOP said Ventura’s performance showed he fills the role of an IOP fellow just as well as he plays the role of a drag queen.

“Getting out in the Harvard community and interacting with students is one of the most important things that fellows do over the course of a semester, and Gov. Ventura has done a fantastic job of doing just that,” said Fellows Committee Chair David M. Kaden ’06.

And Ventura said he is always happy to interact with students.

“I wanted to do this to be part of the Harvard experience. It’s my one chance here,” said Ventura.

“I think Jesse made a strong statement on behalf of all the women that suffer from facial hair,” said Julie L. Schroeder, assistant to IOP Director Daniel R. Glickman.

“His performance reminded me of a young Bobby DeNiro,” said IOP spokesperson Andy I. Solomon ’89.
