
Chinatown Bus Hikes Tickets to $15

Popular, cheap student transport changes route to dock at South Station

But convenience was not the only motivation behind the move and the attendant price hike.

In May 2004, Peter Pan Bus Lines, a business partner of Greyhound, sued Fung Wah and Kristine Travel and Tour, which operates the Lucky Star line, for violating regulations of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

According to Kim Plaskett, a Greyhound spokeswoman, the two Chinatown lines named in the suit had only charter authority, which does not permit hourly departures and arrivals,

“We have no objection to competition, as long as it’s on a level playing field,” Plaskett said. “[In the lawsuit], we asserted that Fung Wah and Kristine were operating under charter authority.”

The judge in that case allowed Fung Wah to continue operation as long as it applied for proper registration, Plaskett said.


The spokeswoman for Fung Wah said she did not expect the company’s new price tag and drop-offs to deter customers.

“I haven’t seen a lot of people complain about it,” she said. “It’s still worth $15.”
