
Live From Harvard Yard It's Will Ferrell

Former “Saturday Night Live” comedian to address seniors with “straight talk”

Although he grew up in suburban California, Ferrell is no stranger to Boston. He visits the area often to see his wife’s relatives, but he says the city is more than just a travel destination.

“I love the history of the city, and I do like the Red Sox, even though I’m glad the Angels won the World Series last year,” Ferrell says. “One thing I love about Boston, I like to sneak into the Old North Church after hours and just hang out.”

This year, Ferrell took part in a classic local tradition—he ran the Boston Marathon.

“It was my third marathon,” Ferrell says. “I ran New York, and Stockholm, Sweden and then I ran Boston. My time was 3 hours and 56 minutes. I was trying to break four hours.”

Ready To Inspire—Succinctly


Ferrell will set down his pom-poms and forego his SNL persona as an overenthusiastic cheerleader in order to make his remarks straightforward for today’s festivities.

But not everything, of course, will be serious.

Ferrell recommends that the graduates remember a tidbit of advice he failed to receive before he stepped off the USC campus.

“Pay your taxes. Always,” Ferrell says adamantly and laughs.

But attendees need not anticipate a feature-length presentation today. Ferrell learned that lesson at his own graduation. He admits he’s embarrassed that he doesn’t remember who spoke, and he only recalls that the day was long and hot.

“It’s going to be hot [on Class Day] for sure,” Ferrell says. “I’m going to try to err on the brief side.”

—Staff writer Hana R. Alberts can be reached at

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