
Surging Softball Splits in Rhode Island

Carefully protecting the lead, she allowed only one runner to advance to third base, before striking out the next batter to defuse the threat.

“I was hitting my spots well today, something I haven’t been doing recently,” Brotemarkle said. “And I got my changeup to work, which is a pitch I learned just recently.”

Harvard added an additional run before sophomore Lauren Bettinelli replaced Brotemarkle. She pitched a perfect seventh inning to close out the game.

“We scored four runs the first game, so the pitching really helped us stay ahead and didn’t put too much pressure on our hitting or on our defense,” Stefanchik said.

URI 6, Harvard 5


Up four headed into the bottom of the fifth, the Crimson was poised to sweep the doubleheader, riding the momentum built up by strong pitching and consistent offensive production.

But a triple by URI junior second baseman Mel Gregory with one out finally broke Harvard’s stranglehold on the Rams and signaled the beginning of a sweeping shift in energy.

Gregory’s triple brought home one run, and a ground out knocked her in, cutting the deficit to just two headed into the sixth.

For the second consecutive inning, URI’s pitching staff silenced the Crimson bats, setting the stage for the conclusion of the comeback.

“I know there were a couple line drives that were just caught in the outfield,” Stefanchik said. “I don’t think we were having horrible at-bats. I think it’s just one of those things. The last three innings just weren’t our innings.”

Junior Lauren McAuliffe relieved freshman Michele McAteer on the mound and encountered trouble almost immediately.

A single and a walk put two on, before URI freshman first baseman Courtney Wall smashed a double that knocked in both, knotting the score at five.

McAuliffe retired two leaving a runner on third and appeared set to escape from the inning without trailing.

But Bettinelli couldn’t handle a shot to second, and her bobble allowed the game winning run to cross the plate.

“I think we came out strong in the second game,” Stefanchik said. “I think we had the same drive, the same momentum. Just a couple plays didn’t go our way.”
