
Jurassic 5 Defy

On long college-heavy tour, group does parties and politics

Then the beat dropped and Zaakir spoke the words: “I’m never hesitant to say / fuck the President.”

“People in music should speak what they feel and that’s really the end of it,” says 2na. “The American public is being basically snowballed,” he says. “The American media is pulling the wool over American public’s eyes.”

“I don’t like to discuss politics with people because it can get you in trouble.” he adds.

But Jurassic’s 2002 release, Power In Numbers, is much more political than their party-oriented Quality Control, which devotes only one track to political commentary.

Power strikes a balance between Jurassic’s signature old-school party sound and so-called “conscious rap.” The result is juxtapositions like 2na’s couplet, “Some of you like the way my words caress tracks / While some of these politicians secretly suppress facts.”


In tracks such as “W.O.E. is Me (World of Entertainment).” Jurassic also criticize the music industry.

“I don’t have any gripes with the state of hip-hop,” says 2na, “I’ve got a gripe with the state of the people who are running the companies that sign artists. The way it’s being displayed only shows one aspect of what hip-hop is.”
