
Weather or Not, Here Comes Baseball

Morgalis is not the lineup’s only unfamiliar face in this opening series. Returning from a year off is Lentz, who will share the catching role with sophomore Schuyler Mann, one of the Crimson’s offensive sparkplugs last season. The two will divide backstop duties this weekend, with Lentz and Mann scheduled to call three games apiece. Walsh stated that he wants both players in the lineup in every game, putting the off-duty catcher in the DH slot if necessary.

“I wouldn’t trade those two guys for any pair of catchers on any team in the country,” Walsh said.

Mann expressed no qualms about splitting the position with Lentz, an All-Ivy player in 2000.

“I think the pitchers have confidence in both of us,” Mann said.

The team’s appearance is further altered from last season courtesy of a flock of talented freshman. The rookie ranks have swelled in the offseason, bringing in what Walsh calls “one of the best recruiting classes in my time here.” Although the starting nine will undoubtedly fluctuate from game to game as Walsh tests out the newcomers in various roles, expect to see freshman filling the infield, outfield and bullpen.


“We’re going to just throw ‘em out there,” Walsh said.

For freshman infielder Zak Farkes, he can’t get on the field too soon. After growing up across the river from Cambridge, he calls playing for Harvard “a dream come true.”

“I’ve been looking forward to this for a really long time,” Farkes said.

For Farkes and the rest of the squad, the wait—and the confinement—is finally at an end.

—Staff writer Lisa J. Kennelly can be reached at
