
Film Buff Haven Celebrates Half-Century of Celluloid

While other modern theaters—such as the Somerville Theater and Kendall Square Cinema—show movies similar to the Brattle’s, Moylan says her theater stands apart from the rest. The Brattle is the only theater in the Boston area with a functional balcony, an independent association and a range of movies wider than that of the average multiplex, Moylan says.

And the Brattle has always had a fair amount of star power with visiting directors and actors. This year, the Brattle will also launch two awards, the Bogie and the Orson.

Through programs like this, say the Brattle’s management, the creativity of this small building won’t stop any time soon.

“We want to open people’s minds, make them see that film can mean so many different kinds of things,” Moylan says. “The Brattle Theater already has a legacy. We just want it to continue strong into the future.”

—Staff writer Rebecca M. Milzoff can be reached at


