

Bobby A. Hodgson '05

What has been your most fulfilling artistic/academic experience?

I was a chorus man in Sweeney Todd, in the spring of my freshman year. It was my first theater experience at Harvard. I was surrounded by all these amazing people and working on this amazing project. And they were all so willing to share with me as a freshman. I just had fun watching them and being a part of it.

What would you consider to be your biggest quirk?

I have terrible moments of intense inarticulateness.

Which writer or playwright do you admire most?


I love the plays of Tennessee Williams. To be able to write such beautiful things is impressive.

What’s your favorite locale on campus?

I personally love Dudley Gardens, the little enclave behind Lamont, because it’s always sunny and bright and there’s never anyone there. It’s just a beautiful garden with little stone benches where you can read.
