
Healthy Voter Turnout Expected Today

Students voting in today’s American election are not alone in facing an inconvenient voting process. Deniz Kural ’06 missed voting in Sunday’s national elections in his native Turkey.

“I should have gone to the embassy,” he said, “but there was too much to do. I would have liked to vote if I could have done it. I’m unhappy about the results.”

Students who are planning to vote in this year’s midterm elections said campus groups had made it easier to get registered and actually vote.

“I wasn’t registered before I came to school,” said Jordan B. Woods ’06. “But I registered on campus and [the IOP] made everything easy. I got an absentee ballot in the mail and it was just like that.”

Several said registration tables set up at the beginning of the school year were what made it so easy to support their parties and their candidates.


“It was as easy to vote as it was not to,” said Bridget N. Queenan ’06, “and we’ve got to vote to get Democrats in office.”
