
Coulter Advocates Racial Profiling

Coulter dismissed as irrelevant New York Times columns written by Thomas L. Friedman and Nicholas D. Kristof ’81 questioning the sources of Arab hatred of the West.

“Why are they looking at why they hate us?” she asked. “Who cares? We want them to die.”

Coulter said she thought the root question should be: “Why are liberals so loathe of manly testosterone?”

Like last year, Coulter’s visit was organized by the Harvard Republican Club (HRC). This year, the Society of Arab Students were joined in their opposition to Coulter by the Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender and Supporters’ Alliance (BGLTSA) and the Radcliffe Union of Students.

BGLTSA members said they chose to attend the speech because they wanted to make sure that progressive voices were heard at the event.


“Her opinions violate the standards of equality and respect for race and gender that we try to uphold,” said BGLTSA Co-Chair Michael B. Murphy ’03.

Mark T. Silvestri ’05, HRC speakers director, said the group does not necessarily agree with the opinions of the speakers that it chooses to host and that they brought Coulter to campus to foster balanced political debate.

As expected, the speech generated a mixed reaction from the audience, which included many non-Harvard students and parents of first-years in town for Freshman Parents Weekend.

“She is one of the most interesting political speakers I’ve ever heard,” said Spencer R. Paulson ’06. “Even though I don’t agree with all of her views, I respect her for being so brave and open with her opinions.”

M.L. Sanchez, who is director of debate for Vanderbilt University, said she was disappointed with the speech.

“I think that the audience deserves more thoughtful and serious analysis in light of the importance issues facing us today,” Sanchez said.

“It was frustrating,” said Brittani S. Head ’06. “She never directly answered a criticism; she just turned it into a joke.”

Coulter hosted a book-signing after her speech. She is the author of two New York Times best-sellers—“High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton” and, most recently, “Slander: Liberal Lies about the American Right.”
