
Harvard Honors Eleven With Honorary Degrees

Born in Düsseldorf, Germany, Habermas studied philosophy at the Universities of Göttingen and Bonn and then worked briefly as an assistant to philosopher Theodor Adorno at the Institute for Social Research, before a long career in philosophy at the Universities of Heidelberg and Frankfurt.

In his wide-ranging and varied works, Habermas champions reason and justice and advocates "deliberative democracy," a type of political regime whose laws and institutions are a reflection of free and open public discussion.


Habermas is receiving an honorary Doctorate of Laws.


Karle, a physical chemist who has worked since 1946 in the Naval Research Laboratory, has created new ways for scientists to understand molecular structure. Her technique, known as "symbolic addition procedure," utilizes x-rays to analyze molecular structure--and is useful in understanding chemicals important in both industry and medicine.

Her research won her a National Medal of Science in 1995. She is also widely cited as a sounding board for her husband's research into molecular structure, which won a Nobel Prize in 1985. Today, she will be awarded a Doctorate of Science.

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