
Soman's In the (K)now

In the (D)ark: Soman Missing!

Thus, there appears to be little doubt as to the future—or rather, the lack of future—for In the (K)now, but Soman’s whereabouts will continue to spawn controversy for weeks, months, perhaps even years to come. The theories span the gamut, from banal to grandiose.

“I heard he’s training to be an Olympic skeet-shooter,” said Michael M. Ragozzino ’01.


“Maybe he went off to Hollywood to be a movie star,” suggested a number of his friends.

“Who’s ever heard of an Indian movie star?” countered blockmate Joyce M. Koh ’01.

“Definitely fly-fishing in Montana,” said Michael C. Large ’01, member of all-star band Fink Fank Funk.

“Did anyone check the Widener stacks?” asked Jenny E. Heller ’01. “It’s easy to get lost in there.”

Caroline Kim ’01 said that Soman always “talked about how he was the real Harry Potter. Maybe he went off to fight Voldemort.”

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