
March From City Hall to Mass. Hall Draws 300

"Ummmm.... Not dead sir," replied another troupe member, Basav Sen.

"Then wouldn't you call that a living wage?!" shouted Borus, to the laughter and catcalls of the marchers.

The march successfully entered the Yard. Once there the chanting crowd heard from student speakers, union workers and City Councillor Kenneth E. Reeves `72.


Reeves, speaking to the remaining 28 students inside Mass. Hall, who watched the rally from the windows of the occupied building, urged them to hold strong to their convictions.

"I implore you, do not leave this building until we get the $10.25," Reeves said.

The City Council, which last Monday requested a meeting with Rudenstine to discuss the living wage campaign, still had no official word yesterday, according to Councillor Sullivan, although they were hopeful.

"I think Rudenstine's concession to even talk about it is a big step forward," Sullivan said.

--Staff writer Lauren R. Dorgan can be reached at

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