
Soman's In the (K)now

It Show: Stephen Scott's Son... There are a couple of major productions going up this weekend. One of them is rumored to be a spectacular bust (which makes it worth seeing, no?), while the other-Stephen Scott's Son-should be a resounding triumph. Directed by Andrew Boch and written by hotshot playwright Michael Ragozzino '01, Scott's Son examines the differences between fame and greatness in a fanciful story of father and son. It's building buzz and will be a hot ticket when it opens in the Loeb Ex this Thursday night.


Advertisement 100% arsenic free...Everybody looks so tan these days! But look closely and you'll see the difference between a good tan and a bad one. See, a good tan is even and gives you that golden, creamy glow. A not-so-good tan gives you that smoky I-just-came-out-of-a-burning-house look and usually indicates an overeager exposure to the sun sans sunscreen. The weird thing is that I keep noticing boys who successfully got the golden glow and girls who look revolting. Hmmm...The Oscars were mediocre, save Steve Martin and Julia Roberts. The former lightened up the ceremony with crackling wit and airy one-liners ("I was wondering why there were no tigers or dragons in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. And then I realized-they're crouching...and hidden") while Julia managed to be obnoxious and wonderfully endearing at the same time. As for fashions, the fear of hitting tabloids' Worst Dressed Lists looms heavy, so the outfits were not only tame, but thunderously boring. A couple of exceptions. Angelina Jolie looked fantastic in a white pantsuit. And Jennifer Lopez, of course, ruined a perfectly nice outfit by wearing a diaphanous top. (I literally had to get two inches from the screen to figure out whether it was indeed see-through, but my mom's bloodcurdling scream from the upstairs bedroom confirmed my suspicions.) Oh, and Oscar or no Oscar, I still hate Gladiator...I was shocked when I heard that Nicole Kidman's publicist confirmed that she had a miscarriage a couple weeks back. Celebrities usually never reveal such intimate details. But after Tom Cruise navigated the publicity storm so well by making himself out to be the victim of their breakup, it seems that Nicole's spokeswoman saw a prime chance to take revenge. Now Tom suddenly seems the callous one for dumping a pregnant woman...Strangely, I find myself listening to Ace of Base a lot these days. I guess senioritis extends to personal taste as well. But where should I draw the line? Suppose I start craving Celine Dion ballads, John Grisham novels, or-gasp-Gwyneth movies? Ack! S.O.S! Save Our Soman!

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