
A Chat with Robert Rodriguez

Q: So did your drawings have any particular influence on the conception of Spy Kids?

A: Sure. In fact, I remember this one drawing I made when I was younger. It consisted of a bunch of guys who were all thumbs and they were kicking around a soccer ball that was really an eyeball. And I ended up putting them in the movie. But that was what I was after-I wanted the entire film to feel like it was made from a child's perspective. I wanted it to be very imaginative and childlike-something similar to Toy Story or Willy Wonka or Labyrinth.


Q: I love Labyrinth! I watched that movie so many times when I was younger!

A: You know when David Bowie does all that crazy stuff with his hands and the crystal ball? There was really some guy who could do that and it was really his arms that were being used.

Q: Man, now I'm all disillusioned...So what ultimately made you want to do Spy Kids? Did you just want to shift gears?

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