
Racial Diversity Lacking Among House Masters

"I firmly believe that if the University really wants a particular person, they would certainly be able to attract that person to the job, even by negotiating or by offering features or situations that would make it more attractive," Liem says. "I'm sure that the university would be able to do that but I don't know if they are willing to do that."

And despite the attention the Foundation paid to the Kirkland and Eliot selections last year, students have been remarkably quiet about the Dunster appointment.

Liem said he did not know why the students decided not to petition this year, but suggests that maybe "they are a bit discouraged" or think that their concerns "would not make a difference."


Associate Dean of the College Thomas A. Dingman `67 says that the College is always thinking about matters of racial diversity, and the issue of diversity among the House Masters was not something that "was brought to our attention just last year."

"The group that came last year, their concern was uppermost in our minds," Dingman says. "We have certainly made an effort, we have approached Faculty on our own and we have followed up on the leads others have given us. It's a challenge."

William L. Everson `02, who attended the meeting of the AAC last year that planned the petition, says he thinks students haven't been as vocal this year about House Master diversity because of the confidential (some call it secretive) process that the College administration uses to select House Masters.

"It's still a huge concern to some people, but it seems like there is a lack of information out there," Everson says. "It's a closed process, and by the time I found out they were searching for two new sets of Masters, it was too late."

Kenneth N. Ebie `01, who interns at the Harvard Foundation and is co-chair of the Foundation's Student Advisory Committee, said the issue of House Master diversity is still weighing on concerned students' minds.

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