
Harvard Greets Class of 2005

While PSLM protesters were visible on campus all weekend, their presence was felt most closely, according to many pre-frosh, during the advising panel on Saturday when protestors lined up with tape over their mouths in the back of the lecture hall.

"It kind of made us uncomfortable, so we left," Caitlin R. Swanson, a pre-frosh from Massachusetts, said.


While several pre-frosh said that they were intimidated by the protesters' presence, many said they saw the protest as evidence of Harvard's open nature.

"I thought the way the adults didn't stop [the protests] showed that they respected the students perspective on issues," Martha I. Casillas, a pre-frosh from California, said.

Exactly 1000 pre-frosh are here for the pre-frosh program this weekend, and scheduled activities included the Saturday night regional reception and ice-cream bash, the Sunday night a capella jam, and several dances and performances.

"I like it how they have it planned so that there are more activities scheduled than you could possible go to," William C. van der Touw, a pre-frosh from California, said.

And many said that this weekend answered their questions about Harvard's social scene as well.

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