
26.2 Miles From Hopkinton to Boston

Half a million spectators will be cheering on the runners, as many as five people deep along certain areas of the course.

The allure of testing the limits of one's body and the promise of an unforgettable emotional experience have compelled students to attempt the


feat, despite the intense discipline required.

"The idea of running 26.2 miles is terrible for your body," said Jordan "Jack" A. Chase '02, who is running the marathon for the second time. "I just want to challenge myself to my physical limits. Running [the Marathon] is an incredible experience."

Adam J. Cohon '03 sees the Boston Marathon as a Harvard tradition. "It's just one of those things you have to do before you graduate. You sled down Widner, have sex in the library, piss on John Harvard and run a Marathon."

Cohon eventually plans to run the Ironman Triathlon in November. The last leg of that race is a marathon, so Boston is a practice event for him.

Curiosity inspired Aaron Nagiel '04 to attempt the marathon for the first time.

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