
IOP Group Releases Governing Plan Draft

"I think this is going to change the IOP into a more open and democratic organization," says Michael J. Pasante `99, a former SAC member and current member of the IOP task force.

The enthusiasm of staff members on the task force also demonstrates consensus.

"Coming out of the process, we all have a better understanding of the Institute," says Catherine A. Mclaughlin, Executive Director of the IOP. "The new structure allows for communication between the staff and students at all levels, which will prevent many of the problems we experienced before."


President of the IOP's current student governing body Robert F. McCarthy, who was not part of the task force, looked at the document for the first time last night, and agreed that it looked promising.

"The structure is very good, but like any other, it will certainly need to be tinkered with over time," he says. "Students have clamored for years to have a say in the structure of the IOP, and now is their chance. I hope anyone interested in our structure gives his input to the task force."

Pryor also says that he is happy with the outcome that he saw last night. Pryor initiated the process in November, and while he had been following the development of the task force, he did not play an active role in the creation of a new proposal.

"It was better for me not to attend the task force meetings," Pryor says. "I did not want to play the role of Big Brother watching them. I wanted them to act and react freely among themselves."

On the final product, Pryor says he has confidence in the ideas contained within the proposal.

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