
Senior Trio Plays Together, Lives Together, Leads Together

McKenry, Thoke, and Vogt-Lowell Make Softball Team a Happy Family

"I call the game, but Chelsea knows what she wants to throw, and I've learned how to set up her batters," McKendry said. "Sometimes when I go out there to talk it over, she'll turn her back to me or something. We work through it out there, and Chels usually gets it done."

Indeed, Thoke has been the go-to pitcher for the Crimson since her sophomore year. The precocious hurler often pitched in both games of a doubleheader against top competition. She handled the pressure masterfully--posting seven conference wins with a 1.16 ERA--and was rewarded with Ivy League Player of the Year honors.

The California native goes into her final year only 54 strikeouts away from the Harvard record of Tasha Cupp '98.

"Chelsea was the girl the whole team looked at to get things done that year, and that's still the case," McKendry said.

"She really sets the tone on the field," Vogt-Lowell said. "She has the attitude on the mound, and can intimidate."


McKendry agreed, and noted that Thoke's aggressiveness was instrumental in her success.

"I would not want to hit Chels," McKendry said. "She is tough out there."

McKendry also found the prospect of catching Thoke somewhat trying at first. The two had yet to build a chemistry, and the two suffered through some conflict.

"I was still learning to catch Chels, to set up her batters and get the most out of every pitch," McKendry said. "I've grown as a catcher, and I think we've got the routine down."

As a six-sport athlete in high school in Buffalo, McKendry had her pick of what to play at Harvard. She walked on to the women's hockey team, but decided to trade her skates for cleats. She keeps her stick handling skills sharp with the junior varsity team.

Choosing softball, however, is a decision she does not regret at all.

"I love this team," McKendry said. "Plus, we've got two rings already, and we want a third."

The rings came from the Crimson's league titles in 1998 and 2000. McKendry's consistent performance behind the plate and strong hitting skills were integral to those teams' success.

She returns to the field this year with a .299 lifetime average. McKendry's durability has allowed her to start 122 of 128 games in the last 3 years, either at catcher or designated player.

She led the team in homeruns (8), RBI (27), and was second to junior Sarah Koppel in hits with 35. She has been a First Team All-Ivy selection for the last two years.

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