
Softball Team Begins Quest for Third Ivy Title in Four Years

Harvard's defense--which made a league-low 61 errors on the season last year--gave the team a clear advantage over its opponents that struggled with the fundamentals. However, the Crimson could not maintain its strong defense under the lights at last year's NCAA Regionals.

With the exception of three errors committed against Berkeley, Harvard played very well defensively in the Worth Invitational and has high hopes for the rest of the season.

"Our defense is looking really solid, our pitching looks really good, and our hitting is coming along," Allard said.


Along with perfecting plays and stances, the Crimson has also been working on team bonding.

"Socially, everyone hangs out together," Bloodwell said.

The returning players seem pleased with both the ability of the freshmen as well as their ardor to become part of the team.

"Everyday we play together, we get closer," McKendry said. "We rely on each other to do well, but it's great to know that someone will be there to pick you up when you make a mistake."

The games in California gave the Crimson the experience it needed going into the coming weeks of play.

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