
The 'V' Spot: One Moore Trip to Placid

At some points, if you closed your eyes, Bright Hockey Center almost resembled Cornell's fearsome Lynah Rink. Especially when an old tradition received a new twist. Historically, for Harvard-Cornell games at Bright, some Harvard fans would sneak out onto the ice and tie a chicken to the goal to mock the Big Red's agricultural school. In turn, at Lynah, fans would throw fish to poke fun at Harvard's proximity to the sea.

A couple weeks ago, a couple fans decided to revive the chicken tradition, and since the Big Red wasn't coming to town anymore this year, the Bulldogs had to suffice. Last week against Yale, just one dead piece of poultry made it onto the ice. But on Saturday, after the first period concluded, a veritable chicken coop was hauled towards the Eli goal to the delight of the crowd….

Normally, this column space tried to avoid ragging on the officiating, but Dan Murphy should be demoted to the squirt league for his job in this game. Not only did he engage in the traditional ECAC practice of makeup calls, but his incessant use of the whistle denied almost any flow to these games. Moreover, when Jelenic went over to taunt Jonas and sophomore defenseman Aaron Kim came over to keep him in line, Murphy did the right thing by assessing Jelenic a misconduct, but he failed to give him a minor penalty. Therefore, Yale was rewarded by the sequence with a power play and the loss of a goon.


It wasn't the first time that Jelenic lost his cool during the series. On Friday, after a particularly merciless sequence by the Harvard student section, he banged on the glass with his stick to swipe at the fans who were pressed up against it.

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