
Crowd Presses Rwandan President on Congo

Kagame highlights his nation's advances since 1994 in speech at IOP

Only one audience member asked about the implications of Kagame's recent meeting in the U.S. with Congo's new president, Joseph Kabila, who came to power when his father was assasinated last month.

"I met Kabila." Kagame said. "I was guided to understand from him that he was interested in working for peace."

Calm throuought the sometimes hostile questioning from audience members, Kagame's one brusque moment came when he was asked about his feelings as to whether the United Nations should have a standing military force of its own to deploy at its discretion.


"More and more, people are talking about peace, but nobody's willing to pay a price," Kagame said. "In Rwanda, we saw [U.N.]forces with tanks and helicopters running from gangs with machetes."

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