

False Sense of Security

Politically Speaking

Or try this one. While on the phone with Prime Minister-elect Sharon to congratulate him on his victory, Bush remarked, "Isn't it funny that I was elected President and you were elected Prime Minister?" Indeed. Though experts note that the correct response would be, "Oh my gosh! We're, like, twinsies!" they also note that Bush should perhaps begin to pay attention to the Middle East--a problem Clinton never had.

On the home front, Bush has similarly alienated those who charge that he is ignoring his campaign promises about military support. Instead of doling out the dough as he promised, Bush has instead ordered a full review of Pentagon programs. The check is in the mail. Justifying Bush's position, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld explained that "the President decided to engage our brains" rather than open wallets. Yup, this sounds like the George W. Bush we have come to know.


But, in the end, we still don't know much about our new president. Though many feared that domestic policy would be Bush's weak spot, he has so far received remarkably good ratings for everything from his education plan to the much-maligned tax cut that foes could not wait to hate. Let us hope that he can do the same with foreign policy, and soon. Until then, I'll be smiling, but holding my breath.

Joshua I. Weiner '03 is a government concentrator in Leverett House. His column appears on alternate Wednesdays.


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