
PSLM Protests Harvard's Investment in Gambling

"We need to be able to figure out easily where all the endowment money is headed," Bartley said.

Although it is not included in Harvard's annual report, the details of Highfields' investment portfolio are easily accessible, Bartley said.

"I'm surprised they thought they could get away with it," he said.


Ben D. Tolchin '01, student representative to the Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility (ACSR), said ACSR often does discuss investments of private companies--although they have not discussed Highfields Capital.

"It's up to us to review ethical issues related to any of Harvard's endowment," Tolchin says.

He said that given PSLM's letter to the Corporation, Harvard's relationship with Highfields could be on the agenda when ACSR meetings resume Feb. 26.

And according to Bartley, this is an issue that sorely needs to be addressed.

"This sets a destructive, dangerous precedent," Bartley said. "As one of the biggest educational institutions in terms of money, Harvard has a moral responsibility, and the priorities they set here have a big impact on shaping society."

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