
Lewis Releases Five-Year Report on College

Dean cites advising, space, MAC as problem areas, but satisfaction rate holds steady

Lewis proposes three possible remedies: obtaining 100 more beds in overflow housing areas such as the DeWolfe complex, changing Harvard policies so that 100 more students studied abroad each year or encouraging House masters to convert guest suites to student rooms.

The report does not express a preference for one method over another, though Lewis adds in an e-mail that he thinks encouraging study abroad is a legitimate end in itself and probably a more cost-effective solution to space problems than buying more real estate.

Lewis also comes out strongly in favor of renovations to the MAC, seemingly validating a favorite student complaint about the dilapidated facility.


"Students regularly report that the facilities and equipment available at Harvard are grossly inferior to those available in their public high schools and local YMCAs and YWCAs," Lewis writes in the report.

The Legacy of Lewis

In addition to his musings about advising, space and recreational athletic facilities, Lewis also uses his report to present what he feels has gone right with the College in the past five years.

He cites statistics showing that students' overall satisfaction with the College has remained fairly steady since 1994.

And since the implementation of randomization with the first-year class of 1995-96, Lewis reports that student satisfaction with Harvard's Houses has actually increased.

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