
Columbia Scores Coup, Lands Radcliffe Course

With its two-pronged mission statement, the Institute aims to be a place for all kinds of academic research and artistic achievement while retaining Radcliffe's traditional commitment to women, gender and society.

"The publishing course doesn't neatly fit into [Radcliffe's new] mission statement," Hess said.


Under an agreement with Radcliffe, Columbia will continue to use the Radcliffe name for two years and will call the program the Radcliffe Publishing Course at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

Dunn said she is in discussions with Columbia about receiving compensation for the use of Radcliffe's name, but added that "the details aren't firm."

Hess will stay on at Radcliffe this year as a consultant about publishing matters to the Institute's fellows, and then plans to move to New York in the summer to head the publishing course.

Dunn said she would have liked to keep the course at Radcliffe, but said she feels it was the right choice "to send the program along with Lindy."

"In a lot of ways, I'm sorry to see it go," Dunn said. "Columbia is delighted to get the reputation of this course."

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