
'Poon College Guide Hits Shelves, Sells Big

Occasional magazine publishers hit the big time

"[The guide] had been stewing all of our lives," Chun said.

So last year, a group of Poonsters piled into a van for a 12-day road trip affectionately referred to as "Lampy's East Coast Kegger Romp."

From Bates College in Maine to the University of Virginia, the clan culled inspiration from the lives of students along the East Coast.


"I can't say too much, but we went to the biggest frats, took part in the

most raucous nonsense, and drank a lot of a drink we invented called 'Poon

Tang," Hely said.

They met a cast of colorful characters, including a fellow named Blossom at the University of Maryland.

"We were hanging out with Blossom and Chun did something that really made him mad," Hely said, "So he said, 'I'm going to haze you.'"

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