
Summer School Looks Off Campus for Professors

Administrators, some students praise outside teachers

Reason to Stay

While many Harvard faculty members have other pursuits during the summer, some do decide to stay to teach eager high school and college students.

Queen considers the more diverse student population--which often includes adults--who have enthusiasm about a course subject as part of the motivation for a Harvard professor to remain on campus during the summer months.


"You might have a CEO of a company in an international business class or someone who actually lives in Greece or Turkey in the classical archaeology class," Queen says. "Professors enjoy a richness of discussion with students from all walks of life and professions."

James E. Davis, who is a senior lecturer on chemistry and chemical biology and on molecular and cellular biology, says he stays because he enjoys teaching, no matter who the students are.

"My duties are teaching," Davis says. "It's not something that I have to do, it's something that I like to do."

"I do not do the research grant bit," he adds.

And Davis says he often gets more dedicated students during the summer, with grades higher on average than during the academic year.

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