
Roll Call: Scoping Who Will Choose the Next President

Stone, former chair and CEO of the Kirby Corporation in New York, is known for his magnetic personality and will most likely have a strong influence on the committee's final choice.

Stone has been a major figure in two of Harvard's most recent fundraising projects, including the hugely successful six-year $2.6 billion capital campaign, in which he personally handled contact with many of the donors.

Charles P. Slichter '45, a former Corporation member who has served on two presidential search committees, said that his classmate is well-liked by those who know him.


"All kinds of people are at home with him," he said.

Stone has been a Corporation member for 25 years.

The Academics

Hanna H. Gray comes to her second presidential search committee as a Corporation member, with sound academic and administrative credentials.

Currently a history professor at the University of Chicago, Grey also served as the school's president from 1978 to 1993, the first female president of a major university.

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