
Globe Columnist Talks Politics, Press

Nyhan said he believes Bush will choose Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge '67, while he thinks Gore will choose Mass. Senator John F. Kerry.

"On paper and in person, he's a great campaigner and he comes to play," Nyhan said of Kerry.

Nyhan cited Kerry's debates with William F. Weld '66 in his 1996 Senate race as evidence of his debating expertise and tenacity.


"It gives him seasoning that few others have," Nyhan said.

Asked about the controversy over Bush and the death penalty, Nyhan said that he feels the issue will not play a large role in the general election.

Because both candidates support capital punishment, Nyhan said the issue will have little impact. He summarized their differences by saying that "the Democrats are for the death penalty in principle but they don't want to pull the switch."

Nyhan said the media will play a major role in the campaign--both positive and negative.

He criticized journalists for putting access to politicians above unbiased reporting.

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