
Council Delays Historic District Vote

Tensions flared when Councilor Michael A. Sullivan immediately responded to Reeves' question, saying the matter was discussed at a poorly attended ordinance committee meeting with Charles Sullivan.

"I was there," Reeves answered back. "I wasn't there the whole time."

The council finally voted to re-file the item, which has been on the unfinished business agenda since January.


It will likely not come back before the council--which goes on a six-week vacation this summer--for several months.

Some councilors praised extending the study of proposals for Harvard Square, saying they need more time to consider all possibilities.

"This extension of several months is prudent and it will yield us a well elucidated choice when it comes to us in a few months," councilor Kathleen L. Born said.

And the Historic Commission's Sullivan says that an historic district is "still on the table."

Reeves said he still held doubts about the need to re-file the petition.

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