
Softball Wins in Extra Innings, 1-0

"The real credit goes to Sarah," Montijo said. "It was her homerun that should have won the game for us. She set the tone. Anyone else who was at the plate with the bases loaded would have done the same thing and driven in the run."

Chymbor had gotten herself into trouble earlier in the game on several occasions, but had always managed to find a way out.


The Crimson threatened throughout the game, stranding at least one runner in every inning and leaving 11 runners on base through eight.

Ignited by Whitton's leadoff double, Harvard had an early chance to score in the first.

With a runner on third and only one away, however, the next two Crimson batters grounded out and struck out to end the inning.

The situation was similar in the second. After a single by Montijo and double by Springer, the Crimson had runners at second and third with one out again.

Chymbor was equal to the task, getting the next two Harvard batsmen to strikeout and ground out, respectively, to end the threat.

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