
Rudenstine to Resign

Former Radcliffe president Linda S. Wilson said that Rudenstine has left an impressive legacy.

"We will look back on President Rudenstine's tenure as a decade of remarkable performance in every sphere," Wilson said. "The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study is the largest and newest of several major initiatives that Rudenstine has helped bring to fruition."


In addition to his work on the campaign, Rudenstine has been known for his attempts to make the University less decentralized.

Rudenstine meets with all of the deans of Harvard's graduate schools regularly.

The provost--an office he reinstated during his tenure--helps him provide leadership, is a deputy president when he is away, and serves as the other academic voice in Massachusetts Hall, which is largely occupied by administrators.

Rudenstine was an undergraduate at Princeton University be--now 65--has served as Harvard's president since 1991. He was a Rhodes Scholar.

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