
After Initial Hopes, Council's Census Limps to Conclusion

Even Driskell admits that the execution of the survey was flawed at best.

With a computer, the council randomly chose 500 students to fill out the census.


On April 18, council members began distributing the forms by dropping them in the door baskets of selected students. They hoped to entice students to participate by advertising the possibility of a $50 prize to one participant.

But some council members say $50 was simply too little incentive.

"In Quincy House, I saw a bunch of them in the trash can by the elevator," Shumsky says. "[Door-dropping] doesn't mean that a roommate isn't going to get there first and throw everything in the door basket away."

Some students say they filled out their census forms but either didn't know where to turn them in or believed that someone would come to collect them.

Many say they simply didn't care very much about the project.

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