

Turning Back the Clock

Then there is the issue that Harvard is currently two weeks out of step with such theoretical dimensions as the State College Time Zone and the Normal University Time Zone. We insist on distinguishing ourselves by starting classes in late September, having finals after winter break, and graduating in early June, without even the excuse of being on some sort of 'alternative' trimester system. The only other school who comes close to our wacked schedule is Princeton, and even they haven't yet grasped the importance of having a spring recess as late as possible.

Most importantly, creating a HTZ would legitimize our existing counter-reality. We speak our own language of concentrations and proctors and Houses, wear black-tie attire whenever possible, grow dependent on the administration for food thanks to an expensive comprehensive meal plan and are obsessed, for better or worse, with all things Harvard. My mother has affectionately dubbed my experience here as a trip to 'fantasyland'--I get the "you know that's not how things work in the real world, don't you?" speech on a regular basis. Why not embrace our idiosyncrasies and make it official?


So as the sunlight glares insistently through your window this morning an hour earlier than usual, be sure to grab your coffee and give the HTZ some serious thought.

Alixandra E. Smith '02 is a government concentrator in Kirkland House. Her column appears on alternate Mondays.


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