
Dean Faces Myriad Challenges

"A good sense of humor is very important at Harvard," says Joan M. Hutchins '61, president of the Board of Overseers and a member of the dean selection committee.

But the tasks that lie ahead at Radcliffe might test any sense of humor.


Faust will control a $350 million endowment and is expected to create a world-class research center out of a Radcliffe still unsure about its identity.

The Institute's own mission statement, part of the merger agreement, sets forth two distinct goals for the Institute: it will be a place for all kinds of academic research and artistic achievement but must retain Radcliffe's commitment to women, gender and society.

But leaders of Harvard and Radcliffe had trouble agreeing on the right mix of research on general topics and focus on women's issues. One of the most bitter fights during the merger negotiations was over the seemingly trivial question of which goal to list first in the official mission statement.

"The two missions do not have to be separated into separate parts of the Institute. They can interact constantly," Faust said yesterday.

She added that she envisions the Institute "building on the important traditions of Radcliffe College, like the fellowship programs."

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