
Panel Highlights Benefits of Inmate Education Programs

Author Hettie Jones, who began a writing workshop at Bedford Hills back in 1989, said that the work that she does as an educator in prison is just as important as the work she does in colleges.

"It's giving a voice to people who might be voiceless," she said.


A collection of poems that her students have written was published in a book entitled Aliens at the Border and the second documentary featured the writers reading their work aloud at a poetry reading.

Precious Bedel and Warren, both former members of the program, told last night's audience that the chance to express themselves through writing gave them an outlet through which they were able to reform themselves.

Both shared poems they had written with the audience.

"Twelve years for you, my keepers, in a box," Warren said, "but I emerged reconstructed by my own hand."

Hugh Morgan Hill, a storyteller who goes by "Brother Blue," listened from the audience and said that he was very impressed with the quality of the poets' works.

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