
Students Rock Cambridge Vote

In New York, where McCain and Bradley were hoping for a victory in the popular vote, turnout was high and lines spilled onto sidewalks several times throughout the day.

"McCain is refreshing and new...I don't think Bush has what it takes to lead this country," said Caroline E. Smith, a Manhattan resident.

Voters in the state were intrigued the conflict between Bush and McCain, focusing on two recent ads sponsored by friends of Bush which attack McCain's record on the environment and breast cancer research.


Some New York City voters said they were particularly offended by the ad which suggested that McCain does not care about cancer research.

On Upper East Side of New York last night, voters leaving the polls discussed the issue. One noted that McCain's sister is a survivor of breast cancer.

Other voters said that though McCain and Bradley attracted them ideologically, they lamented the incontrovertible evidence that George W. Bush and Gore would likely win.

"I voted for Gore, because Bradley is a lost cause," said Joan McHammond of Manhattan.

--Parker R. Conrad reported from New York.

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