
Learning to Love the Quad

While Harvard University Police Department spokesperson Peggy A. McNamara says she could not officially comment about the difference in crime rates, she admits it's certainly possible that the Quad is quieter.

"Based on the geography without actually doing a criminal analysis I would say that the number of [criminal] incidents is possibly less," she says.

Jennings says her transfer is proof that first-years shouldn't necessarily regret their Quad assignments.

"When people get the Quad, I'm like, 'Yay, you're so lucky!'" she says.

But Currier House resident Sunana Sohi '00 says that despite the area's merits, she doesn't expect the stigma to go away--it's a first-year ritual.


"Everyone who gets Quadded is upset at first," she says. "My roommate cried. But most people grow to love it."

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