
Faculty Blast $112M Computer Systems

But an outright vote over the future of the project? Fineberg calls this "bad management."

Fineberg says that when the discussions and consultations are over, the decision to move ahead on HR must rest with Rudenstine alone--just as did the decision to go live with the financial system in July.

For Rudenstine's part, he says he will consult with the faculties before moving ahead--but he makes no promise to give them a final vote.

"The process for making decisions about University-wide information systems--including specifically any new systems--is broadly consultative, across all the Faculties and other units," he said yesterday.

"Before any decisions were made, the President, Provost and Deans would discuss the proposals again, taking into account all the issues raised in the course of the entire review process," he said.


Huidekoper says users should not worry about the next phase yet. No one has even officially recommended that the University move ahead with HR. In fact, according to central administrators, the earliest HR would be implemented would be 2002.

But members of FAS say the timetable for HR is a mystery to them: another example of poor communication.

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