
History and Literature Seniors Celebrate as They Turn in Theses

Aside from whispers about the Harvard network failure, few tales of thesis horror stories circulated at the party.

"At one point I thought I was losing more of my thesis [to computer crashes] than I gained each day," said Lauren A. Wetzler '00. "My computer was on its deathbed."

But her computer pulled through.


Now that the theses are in, tutors said they will turn their attention to reading their students' work. Students said they will focus on searching for jobs and enjoying the end of their senior year.

"We have the rest of our lives to live now," said Kata Gellen '00.

Most missed the senior kickoff at the Hong Kong restaurant that marked 100 days until graduation last night. But many said they plan to catch up on the missed fun in the upcoming weeks.

"I missed the kickoff, but everything else will be graced with my presence," Bauer said.

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