
Teachers Accept Contract

The source also said that teachers will be given individual accounts of several hundred dollars for buying classroom supplies. This addresses a long-time complaint of parents in the district that classrooms lack basic school supplies, like tissues and construction paper--supplies many teachers found themselves paying for out of their own pockets.

The contract will also adjust the school calendar, moving two teacher professional days to the end of summer, rather than interrupting school and making two four-day weeks during the year.

Teachers will also be given more time for parent-teacher conferences.


A handshake seals the deal

When Galluccio was elected mayor in the early-morning hours of Feb. 15, negotiations had already been going on for more than a year with outgoing Mayor Francis H. Duehay '55 and then with Reeves.

Just over 30 hours after his victory, Galluccio joined the negotiations--in time for a 20-hour marathon session at the Royal Sonesta Hotel.

"I said we weren't going to leave the Sonesta until we had the contract settled," Galluccio said.

The session lasted from 9 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16, past 5 a.m. the next morning. At the end, the two sides had a "handshake deal" on salaries and on most other provisions, except issues related to the CRLS restructuring.

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