
O'Brien Will Be Class Day Speaker

Sameera Fazili '00, another class marshal and co-chair of the class day speaker committee, said O'Brien was chosen in part because the group hoped he could set a lighter tone for the day--in contrast to the more "somber" nature of Commencement.

"We wanted someone who could speak to us and relate to us, but also entertain." Fazili said. "It's supposed to be a day of fun for our class."


Fazili said that she thought students would appreciate O'Brien's balance between the professional and student worlds.

"He's at this great stage--he's very much an adult and amidst the adults, but in his work he relates to today's youth," Fazili said.

Despite his youthfulness, the comedian's career has blossomed quickly.

O'Brien is on Entertainment Weekly's list of the 50 funniest people alive. His late-night talk and variety show has been nominated for an Emmy award every year since 1996.

Before coming to NBC, O'Brien worked in Los Angeles for the HBO network's "Not Necessarily the News."

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