
Constitutional Amendment Shrinks Undergraduate Council

Council Treasurer Sterling P. A. Darling '01, who sponsored the bill, agreed.

"With a council of only 50 members, proportional representation is no longer possible," he said.


Amendments to the council's bylaws addressing the responsibilities of members of a downsized council provoked more contentious debate. Some were concerned that members of a new, smaller council will be overwhelmed with work as the student-to-representative ratio increases.

An amendment shortening the council's office hours from 20 to 10 hours per week and assigning those hours to Executive Board members narrowly mustered the required two-thirds majority, passing 39-17.

A related amendment requiring members-at-large to table in their House dining halls in order to publicize the council's work also passed.

Former council President Noah Z. Seton '00 spoke out strongly against the reduction in office hours, saying that the cut from 20 to 10 reflected a lack of commitment among council members.

"The student body and student groups really do use office hours," Seton said.

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