

Psst! Let's Talk Postmodernism

"2) Lack of master narratives like Marxism, Darwinism, religious creeds, etc. that explain everything. Instead there are a bunch of competing mini-narratives striving to be heard.

"3) Pastiche replaces parody. In parody, it is clear what is being laughed at. In pastiche, the target is manifold or uncertain.

"4) Stress on reproducibility rather than originality. That is, Xerox, Andy Warhol, photography, etc. turn the concept of the unique and original object into question."


Got that? We've got institutions but no leader, messages but no point, laughter but no joke and copies but no original. Next time my friends ask what postmodernism is, I'll have my answer ready.

"Both. Apes. Shut up! I'm at the end of the %#@$! level!"

Jeremy N. Smith '00 is a history and literature concentrator in Pforzheimer House. His column appears on alternate Fridays.


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