
Council Begins Reconciliation Process After Divisive Burton Issue

Several other council members also said they would not consider drafting a censure measure.

She said that if her statements in the Globe seemed to accuse the supporters of Burton's impeachment of racism, that was "surely not the intent," and was rather a result of the Globe taking her words out of context.


Letalien said that while he is not satisfied with Driskell's partial apology, he will not reintroduce his motion to censure Driskell--though he would support censure legislation were someone else to propose it.

Letalien said he would have liked Driskell to strongly denounce the political use of race in her remarks.

"Those sort of tactics are unacceptable," Letalien said. "She should have condemned them."

On the whole, though, Letalien agreed with Driskell that council opponents moved closer together at last night and Friday's meetings, albeit only slightly closer.

"It's a baby step on a mile-long walk," said Letalien.

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