
Students Debate Ethnic Studies

Trying to obtain such an education under current Harvard circumstances just isn't possib1e, according to panelist Tri M. Phuong '02.

"Current programs can't be redesigned to allow enough depth," he said.


Phuong and several audience members described the frustration of trying to integrate what they learn in electives dealing with ethnicity without a unifying concentration.

"Harvard is a lacks a certain coordination," said Leo Ou-fan Lee, Professor of East Asian languages and civilizations. "There are a multiplicity of disciplines and they're really not talking to each other."

Right now, Sommer said that the CES has funds that can be allotted to professors who are interested in developing new courses on ethnic studies.

But the panel told an audience of about 50 people that in order to get more resources for the discipline, students must demonstrate significant interest.

"We want you to tell your professors about this," Sommer said. "The push has to come from you."

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