
Someone Still Likes You: DateSite Docs Plan Comeback

"But when summer came, the traffic died down," Baker says. "We really haven't spent much time advertising it since school started."

Although the crush-curiosity frenzy has dissipated, the site is prepared for students to return for another visit.

"I worked on it this summer," Baker says. "The page just looks a lot different."


Changes include a design makeover and new content, like a purity test and the "Magic Date Ball," which answers yes-or-no dating questions like the Magic Eight Ball, a popular novelty toy.

Baker's newest concept is the "Interest Matcher," a survey users can fill out to find compatible people who fit certain criteria.

"If you come to the site and don't get a match, [Interest Matcher] guarantees a match for whoever takes it," Baker says.

Currently he is having friends test out the survey prototype and give him feedback.

The questions delve into physical traits like height and body type as well as personality details like musical taste and hobbies.

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