
Junior Remains In Critical Condition

Hillel Chair Michael Rosenberg '01 said he found the meeting to be extremely helpful.

"We began talking about Shira and what makes her special: her love for

life, her enthusiasm," he said. "We told stories about her, and we laughed, which really helped. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to go through."


Galper said of the gathering, "I just felt so lucky to have a community to come together and rely on. Otherwise, I don't know what I would have done."

At 8 p.m., another meeting was held at Pforzheimer House for friends and concerned students.

"I think everyone who was there felt it was a very welcome opportunity to share our senses of sorrow, and anger, and confusion," said Pforzheimer House Co-Master Jim McCarthy.

"We will probably have another session like this after the holiday break. As we are facing reading periods and exams, it may be helpful to come together as a community," McCarthy added.

Adams House Co-Masters Sean and Judith Palfrey also made themselves available for concerned Adams House residents.

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